DogFight Ver.2 and FrontDoor 1.99c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set-up Helper Text CopyRight November 11,1990 This is a little file I thought would be useful to those SpitFire Sysops who use FrontDoor and FidoNet. Chris Tysons New Utility Program called DogFight will Import and Export FidoNet Messages directly from SpitFires Message Base thus eliminating the need for a Door or another BBS program. I had no problem importing messages into SpitFire using DogFight with FrontDoor. I set up FrontDoor so it wouldn't exit on any mail recieved. When an EchoMail packet was recieved FrontDoor exited anyway using this in my RunFD.bat file. IF ERRORLEVEL 110 GOTO MAILOUT IF ERRORLEVEL 100 GOTO MAILIN IF ERRORLEVEL 10 GOTO USERBRK IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO FDERROR :MAILIN echo off cd\dog DFDECOMP C:\FD\FILES\ C:\DOG\WORK\ IF EXIST C:\DOG\WORK\*.PKT GOTO DFIMPORT ECHO **** NO PACKETS FOUND!!! **** echo on cd\fd GOTO LOOP :DFIMPORT echo off CD\DOG DFIMPORT L IF EXIST NOTKNOWN.MSG ECHO **** NOT KNOWN MESSAGE FILE EXISTS **** echo on CD\FD GOTO LOOP The next step was to figure out how to get FrontDoor to read a *.OUT file. There really isn't that much out there for the FrontDoor Program as I soon Found out. This is how I do my mail exporting so that FrontDoor will find the mail and send it. It took about 2 weeks and several other programs to make it work. Below is the rest of the pertainent info in my RunFD.bat file. :MAILOUT CD\DOG DFEXPORT L cd\fd QM PACK -sDOG_MAIL CONNECT GOTO LOOP I export my mail manually using FrontDoor errorlevels listed in the previous example. The macro key I've set up is, (Shift) F4, and It works just fine. Page 1 Now that the FrontDoor setup is out of the way we can get into the really tough part of it. Setting up the other programs. I chose QMail to Mash my mail. I route everything through the Echo Mail Hub in our area, since I'm only sending and recieving EchoMail into my BBS system. This is my QM.cfg located in my FD directory. Primary_Zone 1 Address 387/504 NetMail C:\FD\DUMDIR NetFile NoToss C:\FD\Files Outbound C:\FD\PACKETS 1 Status_Log Qm.Log Sysop Tom Blalock Secure Bad_Msgs C:\FD\Bad_Msgs Dupes 2000 No_Net_Dupes No_Content No_Net_Toss ARC_Unpack 8 arce %s *.PKT /r ARC_Unpack 9 pkxarc /r %s *.PKT ARC_Unpack 10 pak e %s *.PKT ZOO_Unpack 0 zoo xO %s *.PKT ZIP_Unpack 0 pkunzip -x %s *.PKT LHARC_Unpack 0 lharc x %s *.PKT Routing_Config_File C:\FD\QM_Route.Cfg Define_Packer ZIP pkzip -a Pack ZIP 1:387/5 I have taken out most of the % lines so as to save space in this helper file. The unpack stuff is done by DogFight so its not really needed either. I am using PKzip to mash the outbound mail. I had to create a Bad_msgs Sub Dir. in my FD directory. I also had to create another Dir. so QMail wouldn't scan my actual NetMail area I still use in FrontDoor. I named this Sub Dir. DumDir Just for the record my Fido Net Address is 1:387/504 and the EchoMail Hub's is 1:387/5 Now I had to figure out how to make the QM_Route.CFG file. The QMail Doc's are kinda sketchy on this file. This is whats in my QM_Route.CFG file. SCHED Dog_Mail All 00:00 00:00 ROUTE CRASH 387/5 I'm sure theres more you could get this file to do but it works for my purposes. At the very least it will get ya going in the right Direction. Now that we have the configuration files for QMail setup we'll go onto the next part of the setup. This one took a while to find out about aswell. This next program is a New one but should be available in your area if not now real soon. This little program is real easy to set up, its called Connect. FrontDoor sends files AKA packets (*.pkt). FrontDoor requires a packet to have a file attachment, thats what the Connect program does. Page 2 The control file setup I use for the Connect program is this: HOLDDIR C:\FD\PACKETS\ NETMAIL C:\FD\MAIL\ ZONE 1 NET 387 NODE 504 Just like I said this one is real easy and has real good Documentation. I hope that this file proves to be of benefit to the FrontDoor/SpitFire sysop who's in Fido Net and wants to have EchoMail inside of SpitFire. All my users really like it. The way SpitFire reads the messages Statistics on Log-In makes getting to there Mail real easy. Easier than most any other BBS system I think. Just for Good Measure I'll throw in my DogFight.cfg file. Here's what Mine looks like. Tom Blalock 1:387/504 1:387/5 West S.A. BBS San Antonio,Texas Howdy Part'ner (512)523-2373 C:\FD\PACKETS\ C:\DOG\WORK\ C:\SF\MESSAGE\ NETMAIL 06 387NET 07 BATPOWER 08 DBRIDGE 09 HOME_REPAIR 10 HUMOR 11 FDECHO 12 DOORHELP 13 LAW 14 4DOS 15 A_CAD 16 INTERUSER 17 DOORWARE 18 LATINO 19 FRANCAIS 20 SCIENCE 21 SALSANET 22 SASALE 23 QUICKBBS 24 SF 25 UFO 26 QUIK_BAS 27 MISSING 28 TELIX 29 ZMODEM 30 BAD_MSGS 31 If ya find that this little helper file was of use to you please send a small donation my way. Send it to: Tom Blalock 9319 Village Lance San Antonio, TX. 78250 Page 3